

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Madu Sidr Yaman


Firman Allah S.W.T:
“Dari perut lebah itu keluar madu yang bermacam-macam warnanya, didalamnya terdapat obat menyembuhkan bagi manusia”.( Surah an-Nahl : 69 )

  • Mengandung bahan pencegah kanker.
  • Memberikan tenaga asli, baik untuk semua peringkat usia dan sering keletihan.
  • Melancarkan peredaran darah dan merendahkan kolestrol.
  • Mengendalikan kadar glukosa dalam darah ( kencing manis / diabetes).
  • Meningkatkan sistem ketahanan tubuh.
  • Bertindak sebagai “painkiller” dan antibiotic untuk merawat luka.
  • Makanan lengkap untuk semua peringkat usia.
  • Merawat saraf dan melegakan tubuh badan.
  • Mengatasi masalah pernafasan ( lelah ) dan kekejangan.
  • Melegakan sembelit, membersihkan usus, membantu pengeluaran kotoran/tinja.
  • Mencegah terjadinya Radang Usus Besar ( Colitis).
  • Bersifat antioxidant kerana mengandungi flavonoid.
  • Cocok untuk mengatasi masalah lemah syahwat.

Hasil Riset yang dilakukan oleh University of Ottawa (Canada) menemukan bahwa:

- Efektifitas Madu Sidr dalam membunuh bakteri MSSA (methicillin sensitive staphylococcus aureus) mencapai 63%

- Efektifitas Madu Sidr dalam membunuh bakteri MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) mencapai 73%
- Efektifitas Madu Sidr dalam membunuh bakteri PA mencapai 91% Madu Sidr dari Yaman (Hadhramaut) memiliki kemampuan membunuh yang kuat terhadap aneka bakteri tersebut, bahkan lebih hebat dibanding anti-mikroba yang paling hebat yang digunakan kedokteran modern saat ini.

Madu Sidr ini berasal dari lebah yang memperoleh makanan dari pohon Sidr di Hadhramaut (Yaman). Pohon Shidr adalah pohon kuno sejenis bidara yang disebutkan dalam kitab suci Al-Qur'an (surah Saba': 15-16). Karena khasiatnya yang tinggi dan produksinya yang tidak banyak, madu Sidr ini sudah lama termasuk jenis madu yang paling mahal di dunia.

Sacred Sidr Tree

The Sidr tree (Ziziphus spina-christi) is other wise known as the Lote Tree, Christ’s Thorn, Jujube Tree, or nabskh. Throughout history the Sidr Tree has been considered sacred by many different peoples and all parts of the tree have been used as medicine.

sidr tree from yemen
Yemeni Sidr Tree at Hadramout

Sidr Tree from Yemen

The Sidr Tree is considered sacred because it is mentioned in the Holy Quran as being among the plants in Paradise. And it was said to be one of the plants that survived the ancient floods that took place in Yemen. The fruit of the sidr tree is said to be the first thing Adam ate when he arrived on Earth. It is also believed that king Solomon used the wood from the Sidr tree to build temples.

Sidr Tree Used as Medicine

The leaves of the sidr tree have been used as a kind of ancient shampoo to clean and scent the hair. When mixed with water the resins of the sidr tree leaves act as a cleanser and deodorant for the skin, leaving a lingering scent. The Sidr Tree hs also been used as a treatment for swollen eyes, abscesses, an astringent, and a cough medicine.

To appreciate this highly revered honey, one has to understand the story behind its tree. The Sidr tree, (also known as Lote tree, Christ's Thorn, Jujube

or Nabkh tree. Botanical name: Ziziphus spina-christi) is an ancient tree. It is believed that the Jujube fruit was the first thing Adam ate when he was made to descend to earth. The tree was used during the time of King Suleiman and the Pharaohs to build palaces and temples.

All of its parts have medicinal values. Its leaves are used as a herbal shampoo, to treat dandruff, head lice, swollen eyes, abscesses, furuncles and counter obesity. Mixed with warm water the leaves are used to clean the body since they are a disinfectant and the oil from the resin is deodorant. Its wood ash is used for the treatment of snakebites. Its fruits are found to have a very high energy value. Its seeds are rich in protein; its leaves rich in calcium, iron and magnesium. The root, stem bark are also used in various medicinal preparations. Other known medicinal uses include as a stomachic, an appetizer, an astringent and also as a cough medicine.

Plant Description:
Sidr tree is a sturdy and deep-rooted tree which has withstood the devastating floods of Eram at Ma'arib Yemen with two other trees: the Tamarisk and the Mustard Tree. Sidr belongs to the "Ziziphus" family of plants. The average tree size normally between 7-8 meters hight. Branches are soft with gray-yellow color. Flowers of the plant are Yellow and it has round and Yellowish fruits which turn to reddish color when mature.

Sidr plant grows in coastal, desert, and semi-desert areas. It grows in India, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Egypt, Libya, Sudean, and the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula, The plant grows extensively in the eastern part of Yemen.

Nitrition Value:
Fruits of sidr trees were found to have a very high-energy value. Only dates, figs, raisins, and few other dried fruits have a higher value. The seeds are rich in protein, and the leaves in Calcium, Iron, and Magnesium.

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Kami Warung Obat Herbal Nabawiyah siap  melayani anda  dg memasok/mengirim MADU SIDR YAMAN melalui TIKI atau JNE atau DAKOTA   kealamat anda atau dikirim secara COD (cash on delivery), untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silakan segera hubungi sdr.Budiyanto HP: 0812081288938689 atau Sdr.M. Irfan di HP: 0811926758 , tersedia kemasan dalam jerigen plastik 1/2 kg dan 1 kg.

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